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Car Seat Program

Frequently Asked Questions:


1. "I need a car seat quickly. Can I contact you to get a car seat?"
- No, unfortunately the Christ Child Society does not store car seats at our facility
or provide them directly to moms in need. Please contact one of the approved
agencies to request a car seat.

2. "I’m not sure how to install or use my car seat. Can you teach me?"
-For training, installation assistance, and inspection of your car seat, please
SafeKids at the following link:
Children’s Hospital at the following link:

3. "How do I find out about a car seat event?"

- Car seat events are scheduled with approved agencies. Please contact one of
the approved agencies to find out if an event is in the works.

4. "How can our agency become an approved agency for car seats, or set up a car seat

- If you represent an agency and would like to learn more about partnering with
Christ Child Society of Omaha, please email us at

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