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Layette Program

Layette Assembly Line

Huge assembly lines are organized several times a year to fill backpack style diaper bags full of baby necessities which are then distributed to social service agencies throughout eastern Nebraska & western Iowa. These large-scale assemblies are held at partnering high schools where students, staff and volunteers work together to set-up the assembly stations and fill hundreds of bags full of newborn items to be given to mothers in need. 

Christ Child Society of Omaha's members and friends volunteer throughout the year to unpack and bundle items ahead of assemblies. In addition, we offer service opportunities to faith formation groups as well as other organizations who wish to help with the work of Christ Child Omaha.

In 2025, Christ Child Society of Omaha will assemble and distribute a record-breaking number of 2,200 layettes to over 75 agencies who will then get the bags into the hands of new and expecting mothers desperately in need of these vital newborn necessities.

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